“Networking is an essential part of building wealth.”, Armstrong Williams
В дните на непрестанно развиващите се нови технологии за общуване между хората, все по-ценни се оказват моментите, в които можеш да разговаряш „на живо“ със стари и нови приятели. Основателите и екипът на Международен Бизнес Алианс.България имаха честта и удоволствието да посрещнат над 200 гости на първото официално събитие на организацията. На 12 октомври Посолството на Р България в Лондон събра многобройни представители на бизнеса и културните индустрии, за да бъде поставено началото на единствения по рода си алианс на българското предприемачество в световен мащаб.
„Нетуъркинг, кариерни възможности, образователна и квалификационна програма, споделен професионален опит, консултации с водещи експерти от различни сфери на бизнеса и в различни точки по света – това е само част от възможностите, които ще предлага Международен Бизнес Алианс.България както на своята онлайн платформа, така и в планираните занапред лични срещи и събития“, отбеляза в приветствената си реч Мирослав Богданцалиев - единият от двамата основатели на Алианса.
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Неговата бизнес партньорка в идеята и реализацията на този мащабен проект – талантливата художничка Паола Минекова, представи пред гостите на събитието концепцията и екипа на официалната медия на Международен Бизнес Алианс.България – бизнес списание Elysium. На тръгване присъстващите гости получиха пилотния брой с пожелание да имат бизнес новини, които да споделят в следващите издания.
Като при всяко нетуърк събитие, голяма част от времето бе посветна на комуникация между гостите, размяна на визитки, споделен опит и идеи между тях. Събитието уважиха Владимир Туджаров, Главен секретар на Министерството на икономиката на Р България и Лилия Иванова, Началник на кабинета на Министерството на икономиката на РБългария, които изразиха подкрепата си за Алианса, както и представители на артистичните среди като ТВ водещия Ники Кънчев, актрисата Деси Тенекеджиева, младият и много успешен актьор Юлиан Костов и др. Своята съпричастност изразиха Таня Койчева, Ръководител на служба по търговско-икономическите въпроси, Посолство на Р България в Лондон и Зарко Янков – представител на Сити Клуб, Лондон.
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Богата палитра от професионалисти - бизнес предприемачи от България и чужбина, инвеститори, експерти, консултанти, артисти, учени, подкрепиха с присъствието си създаването на Международен Бизнес Алианс.България.
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Екипът на Международен Бизнес Алианс.България благодари за подкрепата на спонсорите от Avalon Building & Decorating Contractors Ltd, Telelink UK Ltd и Wine Cellar Zlatan Rozhen, както и за перфектната организация на Diva Events London.
Снимки: Румен Василев
Thursday, 2 November 2017
IBA.Bulgaria launch event
“Networking is an essential part of building wealth.”, Armstrong Williams
In these days of constantly evolving communications technologies, we find the moments we get a chance for ‘face to face’ conversations with old and new friends increasingly valuable.
The founders and team of the International Business Alliance.Bulgaria had the honour and pleasure to welcome over 200 guests to the first official event of the organisation. On October 12, the the event in the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in London hosted many representatives of the business and cultural industries and launched the only alliance of Bulgarian entrepreneurship worldwide.
"Networking, career opportunities, educational and qualification support, shared professional experience, consultations with leading experts from different business areas and in different parts of the world - this is only a part of the opportunities that the International Business Alliance’s networking platform will offer to its members”, said Miroslav Bogdantsaliev, one of the two founders of the Alliance.
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His business partner in the idea and development of this large project, the talented artist Paola Minekov, presented the concept and team of the official media of the International Business Alliance.Bulgaria - the international business magazine Elysium. All guests received a copy of the pilot issue of the magazine with the wish to have many exciting business news to share in the upcoming editions.
As with any networking event, much of the time was devoted to communicating between guests, exchanging business cards and sharing experiences and ideas. The event was attended by Mr Vladimir Tudzharov, Secretary General of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Bulgaria and Ms Lilia Ivanova, Head of the Cabinet of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Bulgaria, who expressed their unconditional support for the Alliance, as well as representatives of the showbizness community such as TV Host Niki Kunchev, actress Desi Tenekedzhieva, the young and very successful actor Julian Kostvo and others. Tanya Koycheva, Head of the Office for Trade and Economic Affairs in the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in London and Zarko Yankov, representative of City Club, London, expressed their sympathy.
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Entrepreneurs from Bulgaria and abroad, investors, experts, consultants, artists and scientists - a rich palette of professionals who, with their presence, welcomed the establishment of the International Business Alliance.Bulgaria.
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This event would not have been possible without our sponsors from Avalon Building & Decorating Contractors Ltd, Telelink UK Ltd and Wine Cellar Zlatan Rozhen and the excellent event organisation by Diva Events London.
Photos by Rumen Vasilev
In these days of constantly evolving communications technologies, we find the moments we get a chance for ‘face to face’ conversations with old and new friends increasingly valuable.
The founders and team of the International Business Alliance.Bulgaria had the honour and pleasure to welcome over 200 guests to the first official event of the organisation. On October 12, the the event in the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in London hosted many representatives of the business and cultural industries and launched the only alliance of Bulgarian entrepreneurship worldwide.
"Networking, career opportunities, educational and qualification support, shared professional experience, consultations with leading experts from different business areas and in different parts of the world - this is only a part of the opportunities that the International Business Alliance’s networking platform will offer to its members”, said Miroslav Bogdantsaliev, one of the two founders of the Alliance.
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His business partner in the idea and development of this large project, the talented artist Paola Minekov, presented the concept and team of the official media of the International Business Alliance.Bulgaria - the international business magazine Elysium. All guests received a copy of the pilot issue of the magazine with the wish to have many exciting business news to share in the upcoming editions.
As with any networking event, much of the time was devoted to communicating between guests, exchanging business cards and sharing experiences and ideas. The event was attended by Mr Vladimir Tudzharov, Secretary General of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Bulgaria and Ms Lilia Ivanova, Head of the Cabinet of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Bulgaria, who expressed their unconditional support for the Alliance, as well as representatives of the showbizness community such as TV Host Niki Kunchev, actress Desi Tenekedzhieva, the young and very successful actor Julian Kostvo and others. Tanya Koycheva, Head of the Office for Trade and Economic Affairs in the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in London and Zarko Yankov, representative of City Club, London, expressed their sympathy.
[gallery ids="502,504,505,516,506" type="rectangular"]
Entrepreneurs from Bulgaria and abroad, investors, experts, consultants, artists and scientists - a rich palette of professionals who, with their presence, welcomed the establishment of the International Business Alliance.Bulgaria.
[gallery ids="501,518,525,520,523" type="rectangular"]
This event would not have been possible without our sponsors from Avalon Building & Decorating Contractors Ltd, Telelink UK Ltd and Wine Cellar Zlatan Rozhen and the excellent event organisation by Diva Events London.
Photos by Rumen Vasilev
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